4 Things This Black Haitian-American CSM is Doing to Build Relationships in a White Workspace
Building rapport and creating trusting relationships are crucial for CSMs. Here are four things I’ve done to help me, a Black Haitian-American, succeed in a predominantly White arena.
Process Parrot
Processes don’t need to be complicated. The more complicated they are, the more likely they are to be ignored. A process is “a series of actions taken to achieve an end.” That’s it!
Situational CSM - I Bet You're Already Doing It!
Situational football is all about awareness and awareness is at the core of stellar Customer Success Management.
10 Things I Remembered, Observed, Learned, and/or Implemented in 2020
1. The power of 1. In B-School, when we had a problem to solve, a good friend of mine used to say, “Let’s do one thing!” Doing one thing can be the simplest way to begin making a change.
Business Review DOs and DON'Ts
5. Have a deck that’s aesthetically pleasing. We all know it; The book cover matters. The frame matters. The garnish on the plate matters. The app's UI matters.
What Organizations Can Learn from Jimmy Butler and the Miami Heat’s Success
The Miami Heat’s success has been a surprise to all but the Miami Heat. I’ve watched this story develop for 2 years now. Here are 2 takeaways from this story that all organizations can learn from.